BS Civil Engineering Complete Guide 2023 | CURRICULUM OF CIVIL ENGINEERING BS/BE MS/ME


what are civil
science subjects?

You are probably concerned about the subject of civil
engineering. Civil engineering is a branch of engineering that focuses on the
design, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure such as buildings,
roads, bridges, tunnels, and water and sewer systems.

Some of these topics are usually covered in the civil
engineering curriculum:

  1. Structural
    Analysis and Design

  2. Geotechnical

  3. Transportation

  4. Water
    Resources Engineering

  5. Construction

  6. Environmental

  7. Materials
    Science and Engineering

  8. Surveying
    and Mapping

There may be some variation in the specific subjects covered
depending on the institution and program.


Structural Analysis and Design

Structural Analysis and Design is a fundamental civil
engineering discipline that focuses on the design and analysis of structures.
It involves understanding the behavior of structures under various loads and
forces and designing structures to ensure that they can safely withstand the
intended loads and withstand external forces such as wind, earthquakes or snow.

Topics typically cover topics such as:

  1. Analysis
    of determinate and indeterminate structures

  2. Load
    calculations and distribution

  3. Material
    properties and behavior

  4. Structural
    elements, such as beams, columns, and trusses

  5. Design
    codes and standards

  6. Design
    of steel, concrete, and timber structures

  7. Structural
    modeling and simulation

  8. Structural
    detailing and drafting

Overall, the goal of Structural Analysis and Design is to
produce safe, efficient, and cost-effective structures that meet the needs of
society while ensuring the safety of its occupants.



Geotechnical engineering is a branch of civil engineering
that deals with the behavior and properties of soils, rocks and other
geological materials. It involves studying how these materials interact with
structures and the environment, and designing structures and foundations that
can withstand the stresses and strains created by these interactions.

Some of the topics covered in geotechnical engineering

  1. Soil
    mechanics and behavior

  2. Rock
    mechanics and behavior

  3. Site
    characterization and investigation

  4. Foundation
    design and analysis

  5. Slope
    stability analysis

  6. Earthquake

  7. Groundwater
    flow and seepage

  8. Soil
    improvement techniques

  9. Retaining
    structures and earthworks

  10. Geosynthetics
    and their applications

Geotechnical Engineers use their knowledge to ensure that
structures are built on solid foundations and that the environment is protected
from harmful effects caused by construction activities. They work on a variety
of projects including buildings, bridges, tunnels, dams, mines and offshore


Transportation engineering is a sub-discipline of civil
engineering that deals with the planning, design, construction, and operation
of transportation systems such as roads, highways, railways, airports, ports,
and public transportation systems.Some of the topics covered in Transportation
Engineering include:

  1. Transportation
    planning and policy

  2. Traffic
    engineering and management

  3. Highway
    design and construction

  4. Pavement
    design and maintenance

  5. Public
    transportation systems and operations

  6. Intelligent
    transportation systems (ITS)

  7. Transportation
    safety and security

  8. Environmental
    impact assessment

  9. Land
    use and transportation interactions

  10. Sustainable

Transportation engineers work to improve the efficiency,
safety, and sustainability of transportation systems by developing new
technologies, creating innovative infrastructure solutions, and implementing
policies and programs that promote sustainable and equitable mobility. Their
work greatly affects the quality of life of individuals and communities, the
economic development and competitiveness of regions and countries.

Water Resources

Water resources engineering is a branch of civil engineering
that deals with the study, management and design of water-related systems and
infrastructure. This includes the planning, design, construction, operation and
maintenance of water supply and treatment systems, sewage treatment and
disposal systems, irrigation systems, flood control systems and hydraulic
structures.Some of the topics covered in Water Resources Engineering include:

  1. Hydrology
    and water cycle

  2. Groundwater

  3. Water
    quality management

  4. Water
    treatment and distribution systems

  5. Wastewater
    collection and treatment systems

  6. Irrigation
    and drainage systems

  7. Stormwater
    management and flood control

  8. Water
    resource planning and management

  9. Environmental
    impact assessment

  10. Coastal
    and marine engineering

Water resources engineers work to ensure that water
resources are managed and distributed efficiently and effectively to meet the
needs of society while protecting the environment. They also work to address
water-related challenges such as water scarcity, drought, flooding and water
pollution. Their work plays an important role in ensuring the sustainable use
and management of one of the planet's most precious resources.


Construction Management is a field within Civil Engineering
that focuses on the planning, coordination, and control of construction
projects from inception to completion. The goal of Construction Management is
to ensure that projects are completed on time, within budget, and to the
required quality standards.

Some of the topics covered in Construction Management

  1. Project
    planning and scheduling

  2. Cost
    estimating and budgeting

  3. Construction
    contracts and legal issues

  4. Risk
    management and safety planning

  5. Construction
    materials and methods

  6. Quality
    control and assurance

  7. Site
    management and supervision

  8. Procurement
    and supply chain management

  9. Project
    control and reporting

  10. Building
    information modeling (BIM)

Construction Managers work closely with engineers,
architects, contractors, and other stakeholders to ensure that projects are
completed successfully. They are responsible for overseeing all aspects of the
project, including budgeting, scheduling, quality control, and safety. They
also work to mitigate risks and ensure that projects comply with legal and
regulatory requirements. Construction Management is a dynamic field that
requires strong technical and leadership skills, as well as excellent
communication and problem-solving abilities.



Environmental Engineering is a branch of Civil Engineering
that deals with the application of engineering principles and techniques to
protect and preserve the environment. It involves the study of environmental
systems and processes, the assessment and management of environmental impacts,
and the development of sustainable solutions to environmental challenges.

Some of the topics covered in Environmental Engineering

  1. Water
    and wastewater treatment

  2. Air
    pollution control and management

  3. Solid
    waste management and disposal

  4. Hazardous
    waste management

  5. Environmental
    risk assessment

  6. Environmental
    regulations and policy

  7. Environmental
    impact assessment

  8. Sustainable
    development and resource management

  9. Renewable
    energy and energy efficiency

  10. Climate
    change adaptation and mitigation

Environmental Engineers work to develop and implement
solutions that minimize the impact of human activities on the environment. They
use their knowledge and skills to design and implement systems and technologies
that reduce pollution and waste, conserve resources, and promote sustainable
development. Environmental Engineering is a rapidly growing field due to the
increasing recognition of the importance of protecting the environment and the
need for sustainable development.


Materials Science
and Engineering

Materials Science and Engineering is an interdisciplinary
field that involves the study of the properties, structure, processing, and
performance of materials. It combines principles from physics, chemistry, and
engineering to understand the behavior of materials at the atomic and molecular
levels, and to design and develop new materials with tailored properties and

Some of the topics covered in Materials Science and Engineering

  1. Materials
    structure and properties

  2. Materials
    synthesis and processing

  3. Materials
    characterization and testing

  4. Materials
    performance and reliability

  5. Biomaterials
    and tissue engineering

  6. Nanomaterials
    and nanotechnology

  7. Electronic,
    magnetic, and optical materials

  8. Polymers
    and composites

  9. Materials
    for energy applications

  10. Materials
    for sustainable development

Materials Scientists and Engineers work in a wide range of
industries, including aerospace, automotive, electronics, energy, healthcare,
and construction. They are involved in the development of new materials and
technologies that have the potential to transform these industries and improve
our quality of life. They also play a critical role in addressing societal challenges
such as sustainability, energy, and health.


Surveying and

Surveying and Mapping is a branch of Civil Engineering that
involves the measurement, mapping, and analysis of the natural and built
environment. It includes the collection of data related to topography, land
boundaries, infrastructure, and natural resources using various surveying
instruments and techniques.

Some of the topics covered in Surveying and Mapping include:

  1. Geodetic

  2. Land
    surveying and mapping

  3. Remote
    sensing and photogrammetry

  4. Geographic
    Information Systems (GIS)

  5. Cartography
    and map design

  6. Construction

  7. Hydrographic

  8. Mining

  9. Surveying
    law and ethics

  10. Surveying
    and mapping for environmental management

Surveyors and mappers work to collect and analyze data to
create accurate and detailed maps and models of the environment. They play a
crucial role in a wide range of industries, including land development,
construction, mining, oil and gas, environmental management, and
transportation. Surveying and Mapping is a constantly evolving field, with new
technologies and techniques being developed to improve the accuracy and
efficiency of data collection and analysis.

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